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Advanced Java

Course Description: This course delves deeper into Java programming, covering advanced topics such as multithreading, networking, database connectivity, and graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of advanced Java concepts and develop practical skills in application development.

 Review of Core Java Concepts

  • Recap of object-oriented programming principles
  • Exception handling, file I/O, and collections framework

 Multithreading and Concurrency

  • Understanding threads and thread lifecycle
  • Synchronization and thread safety
  • Thread pools and concurrent programming
  • Networking in Java
  • Socket programming for communication
  • TCP/IP and UDP protocols
  • Implementing client-server applications

 Database Connectivity with JDBC

  • Connecting to databases using JDBC
  • Executing SQL queries and handling result sets
  • Transactions and batch processing

 Java Servlets and JSP

  • Introduction to Java Servlets and web applications
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP) for dynamic web content

 Java Swing and GUI Programming

  • Creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Swing
  • Event handling and listeners
  • Design patterns for GUI applications

Final Projects and Capstone

  • Applying advanced Java concepts to real-world scenarios
  • Developing a complete Java application
  • Final project presentation and evaluation
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