Course Structure: |
S.no |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML5) |
2 |
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet(css), Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON |
3 |
MongoDB |
4 |
ExpressJS |
5 |
React JS |
6 |
Node JS |
Detailed Syllabus of the Course: |
S.No |
Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML5) (Duration: 12 Hours) |
1 |
Introduction to HTML |
2 |
HTML Basics |
3 |
HTML Elements |
4 |
HTML Semantic |
5 |
HTML Attributes |
6 |
HTML Headings |
7 |
HTML Paragraph |
8 |
HTML Styles |
9 |
HTML Formatting |
10 |
HTML Quotations |
11 |
HTML Comments & Colour |
12 |
HTML CSS, Links and Images |
13 |
HTML Lists |
14 |
HTML Blocks |
15 |
HTML Classes |
16 |
HTML Layout |
17 |
HTML Responsive |
18 |
HTML Forms,Tables |
Real- Time Projects on HTML5 |
Cascading Style Sheets (Duration: 14 Hours) |
20 |
Introduction CSS3 |
21 |
CSS3 Syntax |
22 |
CSS3 How To |
23 |
CSS3 Color |
24 |
CSS3 Background color |
25 |
CSS3 Padding |
26 |
CSS3 Height |
27 |
CSS3 Width |
28 |
CSS3 Margin |
29 |
CSS3 Shadows |
Full Stack Development -MERN Stack |
Duration : 105 hours |
30 |
CSS3 Text |
31 |
CSS3 Font |
32 |
CSS3 Links |
33 |
CSS3 Tables |
34 |
CSS3 Lists |
35 |
CSS3 Outline |
36 |
CSS3 Display |
37 |
CSS3 Position |
38 |
CSS3 Float |
39 |
CSS3 Images |
40 |
CSS3 Pagination |
41 |
CSS3 Buttons |
42 |
CSS3 Responsive |
43 |
CSS3 Animations |
44 |
CSS3 Drop-downs |
45 |
Introduction to Bootstrap |
46 |
Bootstrap Basics |
47 |
Bootstrap CSS |
48 |
Bootstrap JS |
49 |
Introduction to Javascript |
50 |
Javascript Basics |
51 |
jQuery, JSON |
Real- Time Projects on HTML,CSS,Javascript |
MongoDB (Duration: 16 Hours) |
52 |
Introduction to MongoDB |
53 |
MongoDB Environment |
54 |
MongoDB Create Database |
55 |
MongoDB Drop Database |
56 |
MonogDB Create Collections |
57 |
MongoDB Drop Collections |
58 |
MongoDB Read Operation |
59 |
MongoDB Write Operations |
60 |
MongoDB Data Modeling |
61 |
MongoDB |
Administration |
62 |
MongoDB |
Security |
63 |
MongoDB |
Schema |
64 |
MongoDB |
Indexes |
65 |
MongoDB |
Storage |
66 |
MongoDB Replications |
ExpressJS(Duration: 10 Hours) |
68 |
Introduction to Express Framework |
69 |
Getting Started with Express Your first Express App |
70 |
Express Routing - Implementing MVC in Express, Middleware- Using Template - |
Engines |
Error Handling - API Handling |
- Developing Template Engine - Using Process Managers |
71 |
Security & Deployment |
Full Stack Development -MERN Stack Duration : 105 hours
React js(Duration: 25 Hours)
- Introduction To React js
- Folder Structure In React
- React Components
- React JSX
- State In React
- Destructuring And Event Handler
- Event Handler And Methods
- Conditional And List Rendering
- React Styling and CSS
- React Forms
- React Components Lifecycle
- HTTP and React
- Integration with other Libraries
- React Hooks
- Real- Time Projects on React
- Js (Duration: 28 Hours)
- Getting started
- Node Core
- mongodb node modules
- Connecting Node.js to Database
- REPL Terminal
- Callbacks Concepts
- Event Loop
- Event Emitter
- Buffers & Streams
- Web modules
- Web Sockets
- Body parser
- Debugger
- Payment Gateway
- E-mail validation
- Real- Time Projects on MERN Stack
Case Study Projects
- E-commerce Platform: Develop a simple e-commerce platform where users can browse products, add them to a shopping cart, and complete a purchase. Use React for the frontend, MongoDB for product storage, and Node.js and Express.js for the backend.
- Blogging Platform: Create a blogging platform where users can sign up, create, edit, and delete blog posts. Use React for the frontend, MongoDB for storing blog data, and Node.js and Express.js for the backend.
- Social Media Dashboard: Build a social media dashboard that aggregates data from various social media platforms and displays them in a unified interface. Use React for the frontend, MongoDB for storing user data and social media metrics, and Node.js and Express.js for the backend.