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Course Description: This course introduces students to web development using Django, a popular Python web framework. Students will learn the fundamentals of building dynamic web applications, including handling URLs, templates, databases, and user authentication.

 Introduction to Django

  • Overview of Django and its applications
  • Setting up a Django development environment
  • Creating a basic Django project and app

 Models and Databases

  • Creating models to define data structure
  • Using Django's built-in admin interface
  • Configuring and connecting to databases

 Views and Templates

  • Creating views to handle user requests
  • Rendering dynamic content using templates
  • Using template inheritance and filters

 URLs and Routing

  • Mapping URLs to views using URL patterns
  • Creating clean and organized URL structures
  • Handling dynamic URLs and query parameters

 Forms and User Input

  • Creating and handling forms in Django
  • Validating user input and handling form submissions
  • Implementing user feedback and error messages
  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Implementing user registration and login functionality
  • Managing user sessions and authentication middleware
  • Restricting access to views based on user permissions

Static Files and Media

  • Managing static files (CSS, JavaScript) in Django
  • Uploading and serving user-uploaded media files
  • Integrating third-party libraries for enhanced functionality
  • Final Projects and Deployment
  • Applying Django concepts to create a functional web application
  • Deploying a Django project to a web server or platform
  • Presenting and sharing projects with the class
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