Course Description: This course covers the fundamentals of Selenium, an open-source testing framework, for automating web browsers. Students will learn how to write and execute test scripts, handle different types of web elements, perform functional testing, and integrate Selenium with other tools.
Introduction to Selenium and Automation Testing
- Overview of Selenium and its features
- Understanding the benefits of automation testing
- Setting up the Selenium WebDriver environment
Selenium Basics: Web Elements and Locators
- Identifying and interacting with different types of web elements (e.g., text boxes, buttons, links)
- Understanding HTML attributes and using locators (ID, class, XPath, CSS selectors)
Handling Dropdowns, Frames, and Alerts
- Working with dropdown menus and select options
- Switching between frames and windows
- Handling pop-up alerts and dialogs
TestNG Framework for Test Management
- Introduction to TestNG and its annotations
- Organizing test cases, groups, and dependencies
- Generating test reports and handling parameterization
Data-Driven Testing with Selenium
- Reading data from external sources (e.g., Excel, CSV)
- Parameterizing test cases using data providers
- Running tests with multiple sets of data
Page Object Model (POM) and Design Patterns
- Implementing the Page Object Model for better maintainability
- Using design patterns like Singleton and Factory in Selenium tests
- Enhancing test structure for reusability and scalability
Handling Dynamic Web Elements and Synchronization
- Strategies for dealing with dynamic content and elements
- Implementing waits and synchronization for stable test execution
- Avoiding common synchronization issues
Test Automation Frameworks and Integration
- Overview of test automation frameworks (e.g., Data-Driven, Keyword-Driven)
- Integrating Selenium with Continuous Integration tools (e.g., Jenkins)
- Final projects and test automation demonstrations
- Class participation and engagement
- Homework assignments, coding exercises, and practical assessments
- Mid-term and final exams (if applicable)
- Final project presentation and evaluation